Oct 08

“Walking without Borders”: hiking on the trails of Petrota/Pentalofos

Pentalofos, Orestiada, Evros, Greece
08 Oct - 08 Oct
10:00 - 14:00

This year the celebration of the European Cooperation Day of the Cooperation Programme INTERREG VA “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” moves to the border line.

On Saturday 8 October 2022 wear your sports clothes and come join us at 10am,  at Baras shelter in Pentalofos for a hiking experience “Walking without borders” on the trails of Petrota / Pentalofos.

The route we will follow is an easy one, of total distance around 6km, through a forest path and a rural road, along the border line of Greece and Bulgaria.

After the hiking a fest will follow with traditional food and dance.

The hiking is organised in cooperation with the Ambulatory and naturalist club of Pentalofos of Evros “DRIMOS“, Project Beneficiary of  SYNERGIA project.